Tanja Munz-Körner

Science meets Art

Visual Microsaccades Explorer

Project Overview

In my first project during my time as PhD student, I developed a visual analytics system called VisME to explore microsaccade distributions in high-frequency eye tracking data. This system addresses the challenge of reproducibility in microsaccade analysis, which arises from the use of varying parameter values in eye movement filter algorithms across different studies. These parameters are crucial as they define key properties of microsaccades, such as amplitude and duration. VisME is implemented as an interactive visualization system. This system allows researchers to visually analyze and compare microsaccade data, facilitating a deeper understanding of eye movement patterns. By offering customizable parameter settings, VisME helps standardize the detection process, making it easier to replicate and validate findings across different studies.

My Contribution

During this project, I was responsible for designing and implementing the system, conducting evaluations through use cases and a user study, and writing the majority of the paper.


Results of this project are published in the paper VisME: Visual microsaccades explorer.