My projects presented in this showreel cover tools programmed in C++ and Flash as well as usage of Maya, Houdini, and RenderMan. All projects originate from my Master's degree in Computer Animation and Visual Effects and my degree in Computer Science (German Diplom); they are arranged in reverse chronological order. For more details on my projects, have a look at my portfolio.

Master's Project: Remeshing (2015)
Title: Curvature-Adaptive Remeshing with Feature Preservation of Manifold Triangle Meshes with
Interactive application implemented in C++ with Qt and OpenGL.
By using uniform or curvature-adaptive remeshing for a given input mesh, a new, possibly better, mesh can
be created.

Rendering Project: Avocado Shader (2015)
The shape of the avocado, avocado shader, and scenes created with RenderMan.

Personal Inquiry: Metaballs (2015)
Interactive application implemented in C++ with Qt and OpenGL.
Metaballs can be created and manipulated interactively. Different common field functions are available
for the calculation. The marching cubes algorithm is used for rendering.

Simulation Project: Bubbly Water Simulation (2015)
Interactive application implemented in C++ with Qt and OpenGL.
Simulation of air bubbles underwater. Different results can be achieved by changing parameters.

Group Project: Citypopmusik (2015)
Role: 3D FX Artist; Software: Houdini FX, Nuke and GIMP.
Creation of effects for the pavement wave, flying cubes, metaballs, and crack, as well as flying metaballs
in the city shot.
Additional contributions (for specific shots): tracking, dummy geometry, textures, compositing, roto,
lighting and rendering.

Maya: Bouncing Balls (2015)
Keyframe animation of two balls and modeling/texturing of a wooden die using Autodesk Maya.

Houdini Digital Asset: City Builder (2015)
Houdini Digital Asset for city generation; varying parameter settings create different city layouts and
arrangements of geometry.
Created with Houdini and usage of Expressions and Python.

Animation Software Engineering: Cloth Simulation (2015)
Interactive application implemented in C++ with Qt and OpenGL.
Simulation of a rectangular piece of cloth. Constraints presets can be used; collision and influence of
wind is supported.

Final Thesis: WOI Rivers (2014)
Title: Visualizing Dynamic Software Developer Numbers in Work-Spaces of Interest (WOIs)
Interactive application implemented in C++ with Qt.
Workspaces are selected in a hierarchy visualization of the software system; the dynamic development
process can be shown as WOI Rivers according to different criteria.

Student Job: Graph Visualization Tool (2014)
Interactive application implemented in C++ with Qt.
Visualization tool for dynamic weighted and directed graphs with hierarchical organization of nodes.

Special Project: Generalized Pythagoras Trees (2013)
Title: Hierarchy Visualization with Generalized Pythagoras Trees
Interactive application implemented in C++ with Qt.
Traditional Pythagoras Trees can be visualized using different criteria. They were extended to
generalized Pythagoras Trees; here they are used to visualize a directory structure.

Fachpraktikum: ClickMeBricks (2011)
Flash game implemented using ActionScript.
Moving squares can be stopped with mouse clicks; the goal is that as many as possible of them reach the
target area.